WORLD RECORD !!! 8225m the highest fly of the history !

The team made of Guillaume Omont, Anoine Girard, Julien Dusserre, Fabian Buhl, Alexandre Jofresa et Seb Brugalla broke the Altitude world record!
Yes! THE highest fly of the history of paragliding.
On top of this performance this flight is also amazing and long. François flew he’s Skywalk X-Alps 5 during 200 km passing above 3 mythic summit of 7000m! The Rakaposhi 7788m where François broke the World Record just a bit in front of he’s teammates, the Diran 7266 where he touch the summit… and the Spantik 7027m. The track was record by the new Syride GPS the Sys’Nav XL.
The team was all flying in extreme low temperature and it didn’t disturb at all, thanks to the heated gloves from Racer that’s all the pilots was flying with!
The Previous record was from Antoine Girard at 8157m in 2016. The team will stay in Pakistan for 2 more month and try to make it even better. Let’s see what they’ll get…
Alltitude flight is not the only goal of the expedition. Many other project need to be achived : Ski at a very high altitude ; Rock climb the Lady Finger ; Alpinism with 1 to 3 summit above 7000, Bivouac flight and distance record attempts.
Thats what the team is heading to right now…
François said: “This is the most EPIC flight of my life!”
"Thanks a lot to all Pakistani support from the government, the military and specially from all the citizen of Pakistan that’s cross our adventure and contribute to make this moment even nicer… Thanks Pakistan!"
You’ll find the 3D tracks and all details of the flight on THIS LINK !