Sup’air a “new” partnership!

After 13 years buying “only” 1 to 3 Sup’air harness per year, François and Sup’air finally sign a partnership that will allow them to express themselves more freely and madly!
Yes, Francois has joined the famous “Team Sup’air”.
“I bought my first Sup’air harness in 2005 after my third flight. In 2 years she took me to the SAT, the helicopter and the paragliding instructor diploma … ”
François flew more than 15 Acro3 harnesses that carry him over 20 world cup podiums and 4 world titles. He also flew many Sup’air harness in a multitude of unusual adventures all around the world. François get all thos harness by many small partnership. Know it’s a “year partnership” thats commits the brand and the champion.
“It is the breadth of the range of harnesses and also the” Acro base system ” that motivates me to propose to Sup’air a more serious partnership. Nowadays sending acro without the “Acro-base system” over the cliffs of the Dolomites, Mont Blanc, or the Norwegian fjords is a bit like rallying without a belt…”
François who is recovering from a knee injury is having already many projects including 3 big projects for the fall. He will carry with him:
The “Acro Base System” in Norway in June for the 2017 Extrmsportweek in Voss enormous extreme sports event and video.
The Acro3 in the classic European Acro Paragliding World Tour …
The Everst 3, the Minimax2 and the Evasion2 in Morocco in September for a musical and aerial adventure accompanied by the pianist Pierre Courthiade and the photographer Julien Chapon.
The Altirando 3 and the Strike in India for October: “The Indian paragliding Line” with Loraine Humeau across the Himalayas in a 500 km hike and fly.
Acro 3 and Everest 3 in November for 1 month of personal training and coaching in Chile … (If you want to progress, get in touch because it’s the best opportunity…)
An amazing planning for the adventures that make me dream. You can follow on the Facebook page “The Paragliding Line” and on the athletes page of François …
A big thanks to Sup’air for the efficiency and professionalism!